Ansbach USAG

Base Name:  Ansbach USAG, Germany

Base City:  Franconia, Bavaria

Base Operator Phone Number:  011-49-711-680-113 or DSN 314-430-1110

Family Readiness Center/Fleet & Family Services:

-          Address:   Building Katterbach ACS (Main office) Katterbach Kaserne

-          Phone Number: 09802-83-2883 /2846 DSN: 314-467-2883 / 2846

-          Website:


Cost of Living:

-          BAH/OHA: OHA Rental Allowance starting at 693.00 EURO, 
Utility/Recurring Maintenance Allowance    536.25 EURO, 
Move-In-Housing Allowance (MIHA)    $421 for E-1 without dependents

Rental Allowance starting at 770 EURO,
Utility/Recurring Maintenance Allowance 715 EURO, 
Move-In-Housing Allowance (MIHA) $421 for E-1 with dependents



-          Housing Office:  

o   Amount of on base houses available: 1200

o   Phone Number: DSN: 467-3415 Commercial: 09802-83-3415

o   Address: Bismarck Kaserne 5843D

o   Website:

o   Off-base/privatized housing

-          AHRN:



-          Child Development Center: Katterbach Child Development and School Age Center

o   Address:  Katterbach Kaserne Bldg. 9028

o   Phone Number: DSN: (314)467-2828 Commercial: +49 (0)9802-83-2828

o   Website:

-          Military Certified Providers off-base? yes, more info: DSN 4672-536 or CIV 011 49 9802-832-536


-          Elementary: Ansbach Elementary

o   Address:  5507 Von Steuben Strasse, Katterbach, Germany 95122

o   Phone Number: 467-2628 dsn

o   Website:

-          Middle/High School: Ansbach Middle and High School

o   Address: Unit 28614

o   Phone Number: 467-2808 dsn

o   Website:


Medical Services:

-          Tricare region (West, Central, North, South): Eurasia

-          Address: Katterbach Army Health Clinic, Katterbach Kaserne

-          Phone Number: 09802-83-3398 Commercial

o   Apt Line:  314-467-3398 DSN

o   Info:  314-467-3398 DSN

o   Tricare: 0800-825-1600

-          Website:

-          Hospital on base (or clinics only):  Katterbach Army Health Clinic


Things to do:

-          Water Park/Parks: 

o   Aquella-Freizeitbad 

§  Address: Am Stadion 2, 91522 Ansbach

§  Phone: 0981-8904-500



-          Gym/Fitness Center:

o   Katterbach Kaserne fitness center

§  Address: Bldg. 5805

Phone: (314)467-2771



-          Base Vet Clinic:

o   Address: Katterbach Kaserne Building #9003

o   Phone: Commercial: 09802-83-3179 DSN: 314-467-3179


-          Outdoor Rec: Address: Katterbach Kaserne Bldg. 5807

o   Phone: DSN: (314) 467-3225/3224/3354

o   Website:

-          RV/Camping Facilities and/or storage rental: Available Contact ODR


-          On-base bowling alley: Address: Katterbach Kaserne Bowling alley
Bldg. 5509

o   Phone: DSN: (314)467-2638

o   Website:

-          Library: Storck Barracks Library

o   Address: Bldg. 6503

o   Phone: DSN: (314)467-4675

o   Website:


-          Golf Course: Ansbach Golf Club (Off Base)

o   Address:  Rothenburger Straße 35, 91598 Colmberg

o   Phone: 09803/ 600

o   Website:


-          Hobby Shop: Arts and Crafts Center

o   Address: Barton Barracks Bldg. 5262

o   Phone: (314)468-7627

o   Website:


-          Auto shop: Urlas Housing Automotive Skills Center

o   Address: Bldg. 8130

o   Phone: DSN: (314)467-2753

o   Website:


-          Local Attractions:

Kaiserburg Museum

Nurnburg dungeons

For more museums visit:

Geiselwind amusement park

Nurnburg Zoo

For more visit:

-          ITT office information:

o   Address: Katterbach Kaserne Bldg. 5807

o   Phone Number: DSN: (314) 467-3225/3224/3354

o   Website:




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